I am not completely sure why but I really miss my Xbox. Hubby won it about 5 years ago from Mountain Dew and sadly about a month ago, it died. Like red ring of death died. Ever since then I will randomly hear a song or think of one that is in Rock Band and my heart aches to play. *sigh* I think it is because I now have sometime to kill and that is what I like to do.
We took our Rock Band set over to a friends house and never got it out. We ended up leaving it there....accidentally. I hear it is going to good use though by my friends son. I hope he loves it as much as I do. This is the song that made me miss it today.
I miss you Rock Band. Please come back soon.
Just tell 'em you're coming over to play xbox. I think they'd be okay with that.
I'm sure that said friend's son would be happy to have you come over and play X-box with him..... He's a good kid.
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